How I Personally Tackled Morning Sickness

Every pregnancy is different, right? With my first baby (now eighteen months), I had significant nausea and food aversions during the first trimester. Luckily, by week 13 I was back to my normal self. It felt like a real struggle at the time but I considered myself lucky in the scheme of things!


Around 2/3 of women will notice an improvement by week 13, although knowing that it will pass doesn’t necessarily make it any easier. In one study of 700 women, nausea “had a major impact on various aspects of the women’s lives, including global quality of life and willingness to become pregnant again.” (BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2017).


For my second pregnancy, I got to week six with no sign of debilitating nausea or disgust at most foods I usually ate (meat, fish and vegetables, just to name a few!). I started to think maybe I would skip the 24/7 feeling of wanting to throw up! But no, I was wrong.  From week six to fourteen, I got to put in to practice all the tips I tell my clients who suffer nausea.